That’s our fundamental goal with each new issue of
MacSense – to improve the quality of our electronic
magazine, to expand its content and to distribute it to
a wider audience. With MacSense November, we are
instituing a number of changes to reflect our growing international popularity and rapidly expanding scope. In our desire to make MacSense the most read e-zine world- wide, we have responded to numerous customer suggestions:
A better view
As you readers with Macintosh LCs and Color Classics will have noticed, MacSense is now only 512-pixels wide, for perfect viewing on such machines. This eliminates the annoying over-lap of text and graphics experienced by users with small, 512-pixels wide displays. On larger displays, MacSense will remain 512-pixels wide, but will automatically configure its length to the vertical pixel height of the display.
Black and white, too.
This leads us to our next improvement: MacSense will also be available in black and white, for all those readers with traditional Macs or black and white PowerBooks. The black and white issue of MacSense (MacSense BW) will have the same, auto-adjusting vertical dimensions as the color version, and will be available three to five days after the original color issue of MacSense debuts. As a bonus to kilobyte-conscious readers: MacSense BW is less than half the size of the color version. And much faster at scrolling on slower machines!
With this issue, MacSense will officially become “MacSense: The Macintosh E-Zine.” Our previous title as “Canada’s Macintosh E-Zine” no longer seems applicable; the information highway knows no political borders. We do not want to be seen as rejecting our Canadian roots in any way–we are still very proud of who we are. However, we are now addressing an international audience. With each issue of MacSense we receive letters from a new part of the world, be it Australia, Italy or even Tokyo. We simply feel it important to be idenitifed as who we are, not where we are from.
Pricing information will continue to be offered both in US. and Canadian dollars, and the magazine will remain predominantly focused on North American market activites.
MacSense International Editions
In our capacity as an international entity, we are proud to announce that MacSense will soon be available in additional languages. Because of the time require to translate such a large publication, the ‘international editions’ of MacSense will be delayed at least a week after the debut of the English-language edition. International editions will be available through regular distribution channels. In the works: MacSense French and MacSense Spanish. On the horizon: MacSense Japanese.
Address Changes
For purely cost reasons, we have switched our international mailbox from America Online to eWorld. Though superior to eWorld in many ways, logging onto AOL from Canada was prohibitvely expensive, with international surcharges of 20¢ per minute and access limited to 2400 baud.
If you have sent mail to our old AOL address and have not received a response, this is the reason. We are still very interested in hearing from you, and we welcome your letters at We apologize for any alienation our move may have caused.
MacSense subscription on eWorld
We are proud to finally offer MacSense mail-list subscription to eWorld subscribers. If you have an eWorld account and would like to receive new MacSense issues as they are made available, please e-mail us with the following information:
Your name and eWorld address
Your age
Geographic location
Macintosh model and modem speed
Please also indicate which edition of MacSense you’d like: full color or black & white. Title your message "Sign me up!" for quickest response.
Please keep in mind that mail-list subscription is currently only available to eWorld subscribers. We are still actively working toward an internet mailing list, and we will keep you posted as to when we finally have one in place!
We hope you continue to read and enjoy MacSense, and we'd like to hear from you. Send your comments, suggestions and queries to us at